(Dana P.) #1

112 Devotion to Ishwara and Elders
So we must have respect for all religions. We should keep in mind
that all human beings are the creation of the same Ishwara. We shall
not consider the religion, the caste and the colour one may belong to.
We shall remain sympathetic to all irrespective of their caste,
religion and colour. We shall stand by the side of all persons in the
hours of their danger and misfortune as well as in the hours of their
joy and festivity. We shall accept the followers of other religions as
our friends. We shall stress upon the fact that despite differences in
the rites and rituals, the goal of all religions is the same. There is no
difference among human beings. Poet Satyendranath has said,
Only outward complexion
may be black or white
But all are equally red inside.
This world will be a wonderful place if religious equality is
maintained in this manner. The brotherhood among people shall
develop rapidly. Everybody shall love one another. Nobody shall
hate others. Having deep faith in the unity of Ishwara and religious
equality we shall say,
'Man is true above all, none is above man.' We shall utter, 'All men
of all religions are brothers to one another'.

The sense of equality shall grow, if we remember that Ishwara exists
in all created beings. And the world shall become an abode of peace
if the sense of equality wakes up.


  1. Answer the questions below:
    a. What is the basic principle of all religions?
    b. Mention some of the names of Ishwara given by the
    followers of different religions.

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