(Dana P.) #1

120 Avotar (Incarnation)

3) Baraha Avotar:
Once the earth was sinking down the sea. Then Shrihari appeared as
Baraha or pig and saved the earth. He with his huge teeth held the
earth above the water. The earth was saved.
Besides this, Shrihari in the figure of a Baraha did another great
thing. Hiranyaksha, the king of the demons was an oppressor. He
established peace on the earth by killing Hiranyaksha.

Baraha Avotar

4) Nrisingha Avotar:
Hiranyakshipu was the brother of Hiranyaksha, the king of the
demons. Hiranyakshipu became very angry to hear that Shrihari had
killed Hirohyaksha. He looked for an opportunity to take revenge.
Gradually he became very much malicious to Ishwara. But the
strange thing was that, his only son Prahlad was devoted to Vishnu.
Hirannyakshipu asked his son to leave the company of Vishnu. But
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