(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 123
once Bamana took a huge size. He kept one step on the heaven and
the other on the earth. There was no place to keep his third step. So
Bali told him to keep it on Bali's head. The God Vishnu in the figure
of Bamana kept his step on Bali's head and forced him to go down
under the earth. This is how gods got their lost heaven back.

6) Parshurama Avotar:
In the beginning of the age 'Treta' the kings of the Kshatriyas became
very powerful. They became unruly. They did not want to follow any
religious instructions. They disregarded the virtuous persons.
Religion began to abolish from the country. In such a situation the
great saint Richik started to meditate in order to awaken religious
atmosphere in the society. Being pleased at his meditation, Vishnu
took birth as grandson of Richik and son of Jamdagni.

Parshurama Avotar
He was named Rama. Rama was the worshipper of Mahadeva. Being
pleased at his worship Mahadeva gave Rama a Parshu or an axe.
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