(Dana P.) #1

Moral Stories 135


  1. Answer the following questions:
    a. What are 'morality' and 'moral teaching'?
    b. What is the benefit of abiding by the moral teachings?
    c. Name some of the Holy Books containing moral stories.
    d. Why was the second mouth of the Varondo bird jealous
    of the first mouth?
    e. What did the second mouth of the Varondo bird do to the
    first mouth after being jealous?
    f. What happened as a result of jealousy of the second
    mouth of Varondo bird?
    g. What did you learn reading the story 'Consequence of
    h. Tell the story 'Consequence of Jealousy' in brief.

  2. Answer the following questions in short.
    a. What was the special characteristics of the Varondo bird?
    b. Where did the ambrosia fruit come floating from?
    c. What did the first mouth say to the second while eating
    the fruit?
    d. What did the first mouth say to the second as it desired to
    eat the fruit?
    e. What did the second mouth do out of jealousy?

  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. Moral teaching is part of __
    b. Abiding by good advice brings __to man.
    c. There are many __ stories in Holy Books.
    d. We shall learn moral sayings and __ them in
    e. Many fruits also came__.
    f. Let me have a share and get ____.
    g. Hearing about the __ fruit the first mouth got

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