(Dana P.) #1
140 Hindu Religious Studies

Or I will make your condition just like him. Moreover, you must not
do any harm to men.'
The demons being scared promised to do as Vima said. Vima killed
Bok, the demon and then left the dead body in front of the main gate
of the city.
After that Vima went to the house of the Brahmins. All the people
of Ekchokra city saw the demon Bok lying dead. They started
rejoicing. No one knew that Vima had done this. The Brahmin
complied with the condition given by Kunti. However, the Brahmin
kept on saying that a mighty man had killed the demon Bok being
kind to us.
Benevolence is also part of religion. It brings welfare to others and
virtues to the benevolent.


  1. Answer the following questions:
    a. How was the relation between the Kuarovas and the
    Pandovas? What measure did Kaurovas take against
    b. Whom did Kunti hear crying in Ekchokra city? Why did
    they cry?
    c. What did Kunti do hearing the problem of the Brahmin
    d. How did the demon Bok create a problem in Ekchokra
    e. Describe the fight between Vima and the demon Bok in
    f. What advice do you get from the story 'Benevolence'?

  2. Answer the following questions in short:
    a. Who was Vima? Introduce him.
    b. What are the items offered as food to demon Bok?

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