(Dana P.) #1

146 Hindu Religious Studies
d. I couldn't ____ the pair of scale you deposited to me.
e. I like to take _ __ in the river.
f. But the merchant had to pay a fine for his ____.

  1. Find out the true or false sentences:
    a. The merchant who decided to go abroad was called
    b. Jirnadhan deposited a bag of gold coins to his friend
    c. The pair of scales was very heavy and durable.
    d. A falcon pounced on the son of the merchant.
    e. Betrayal is a great sin.

  2. Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers:

a. Where did Jirnadhan decide to go?

  1. abroad 2. on pilgrimage

  2. to royal house 4. to the temple.
    b. Who ate the scales of Jirnadhan as the merchant said,

  3. cat 2. mouse

  4. fox 4. tiger.
    c. What was the name of the merchant's son?

  5. Boldeva 2. Sohodeva.

  6. Dhonadeva 4. Shukdeva.
    d. What did the king do when the guilt of the merchant was

  7. imposed a fine on the merchant 2. imposed a punishment
    of death

  8. sent him into exile 4. scolded him.
    e. What is the consequence of betrayal?

  9. great sin 2. virtue

  10. joy 4. fame.

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