(Dana P.) #1

Moral Stories 147

Greater Intelligence in a Smaller Brain

Somewhere there was a huge forest. There was a lake not far away
from the forest. Beside the lake there lived some rabbits. They were
in great peace. Suddenly black clouds of unrest gathered in the sky
of peace.
In the forest there lived a herd of elephants. They had a leader. His
name was Lombodonto or Long-teeth. Once there was scarcity of
water in that forest.
Then Lombodonto with his companions came beside the lake. They
occupied the place, where the rabbits lived. The water of the lake
was very sweet. There were many banana trees, too. The elephants
ate and went roaring as they wished. After a few days the elephants
said to their leader,
-This place is very good. We want to stay here.
The leader Lombodonto said,
-Well then. I agree to your desire.
The elephants occupied the living place of the rabbits. The rabbits
were in a great problem. They could not even go out. They got killed
under the feet of the elephants whenever they came out. After the
death of some rabbits they sat in a meeting. The meeting was called
to find out a way to survive.
The leader said,
-This is our place. Our ancestors lived here for ages. And we are
living here. But elephants have occupied this place by force. They
are big and we are small. Their strength is more, ours is less. So we
have to live by dint of tricks and intelligence. We have to regain our
control over this place.
All other rabbits supported him,
-That's right.
The leader said,
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