(Dana P.) #1

18 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

Simple Meaning:
O the eternal manifestation, you are the eternal God, you are
the eternal being without beginning or end. You are the only
shelter of the universe. You are the one who knows and again
you are the one who is to be known. You are the absolute
abode -- you exist as you encompass the whole world.

Shrishri Chandi
Sarbasyartihare Devi Narayani Namo Thasto Te.

Simple Meaning:
O goddess, protector of the unprotected, saviour of the poor
and the sick, destroyer of sorrows of all, O Narayani, we bow
to you.

Asitagirisamang Syat Kajjalang Sindhupatre.
Suratarubarshakha Lekhani Patramurbi.
Likhti jadi Griheetba Sarada Sarbakalang
Tadapi taba Gunanameesh Parang Na Jati
(Pushpadanta Shivamahimnahstotram, Sloka Number 32)

Simple Meaning:
O Lord (Shiva), if the ink is like the black mountain, if the
sea is ink-pot, if the pen is made by the branch of Kalpataru
the best tree of heaven, if the earth is the page for writing and
the goddess Saraswati herself writes for time eternal, yet the
greatness of your virtues shall not come to an end.

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