(Dana P.) #1
20 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

  1. Answer the following questions:
    a. Write the mantra of the Vedas from your text book with
    simple meaning.
    b. Recite a mantra from the Upanishada.
    c. Recite a sloka of the Shrimadbhagabatgita from your text
    d. Write a sloka from the Shrishri Chondi with simple meaning.
    e. Recite a Bangla prayer poem from your text book.

  2. Give answers in short:
    a. Write the names of four holy books of Hindu religion.
    b. What is praising?
    c. Who are mentioned in mantra and sloka and why?
    d. What is the benefit of reciting mantra and sloka?

  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. Sobita No Rastang
    Purusho Purana
    Stamasya Bishwasya Parang Nidhanam.
    c. Paritranparayane.
    d. Namaste Sharbani

    Ishwarai Ishwara-jaya.

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