(Dana P.) #1
24 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

Durga does good to us. So she is called Sarbamangala or all-
benefactress. Durga gives us what we want to her. We are freed
from any danger if we remember her name. We should say 'Durga
Durga' before a journey.

Salutation mantra for goddess Durga:

Sarbamangalmangalye Shive Sarbarthosadhiuke.
Sharanye Tryambake Gauri Narayani Namo Thastute.

Simple Meaning :
O the giver of all benefits, the bountiful, the giver of all
meanings, the symbol of shelter, the three-eyed, the fair
complexioned, Narayani, We bow to you.


Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth. She sits on a lotus. She has two
hands. She has a lotus in her right hand and a bunch of grains in the
left. A basket of riches is on her left lap. Her complexion is golden.
Her carriage is an owl.

Laksmi Puja is held at the full-moon night in the month of Aswin.
This Puja is also called Kojagori Lakshmi Puja. We gain wealth if
Lakshmi is satisfied. In many houses Lakshmi is adored as the
house-goddess. There Lakshmi Puja is performed on every
Thursday. Panchali is read during Lakshmi Puja. Ringing a bell is
forbidden while worshipping Lakshmi.

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