(Dana P.) #1
32 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

Brahma Puja is performed on the specific moments of lunar days. It
is performed on the day when Brahma stays on the earth. The date of
Brahma Puja can be determined by counting tithi or lunar days.
Brahma loves red flowers. We offer red flowers during Brahma's


The expression of Ishwara that nourishes the creations is called
Vishnu. He rears and protects everything of this world. So Vishnu is
called Master of Nourishment.
Vishnu has four hands. He holds four different things in his four
hands. These are Shankha (conch), Chakra (wheel), Goda (mallet)
and Padma (lotus). The Chakra or wheel of Vishnu is called
Sudarshan. It means good-looking. His complexion is like the light
of the moon. He lives in 'Baikunthadham'. His carriage is a bird
called 'Garurh'.

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