(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 35


  1. Answer the following questions:
    a. What do you mean by gods and goddesses?
    b. What is Puja?
    c. Describe goddess Durga. When is Durga Puja performed?
    d. Write the Salutation Mantra of Durga with simple
    e. Describe Saraswati.
    f. Describe the appearance of Vishnu.

  2. Answer the following questions in short:
    a. Write the names of three gods.
    b. What does goddess Durga stand for?
    c. How many hands does goddess Durga have?
    d. What does goddess Lakshmi stand for?
    e. What does goddess Saraswati stand for?
    f. What does god Brahma stand for?
    g. What do we say when Ishwara assumes some form?
    h. What does Vishnu stand for?
    i. What does Vishnu do?
    j. What is the date of Shiva Chaturdashi?

  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. Ishwara has no
    b. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Durga, Saraswati, Lakshmi,
    Ganesh are different forms of the same

    c. Brahma everything.
    d. Vishnu is the Master of

    e. The wheel of Vishnu is called
    f. The worshipens of Vishnu are known as

    g. is our ancient Holy Book.
    creates in the guise of Brahma.

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