(Dana P.) #1
48 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

  1. Fill in the blanks:
    a. A temple means a house of
    b. In a temple there are idols of different

    c. Temples are , since gods and goddesses stay
    d. Temples are named after the names of

    e. There is a ____
    in front of Dhakeshwari temple.
    f. Dhakeshwari temple is a sacred place of pilgrimage
    for the
    g. Queen
    founded the temple of
    h. There is a beautiful idol of in the temple of
    i. Thakur
    was a worshipper of this Kali temple
    of Dakshineshwar.
    j. The soil and water of a pilgrimage is
    k. Immobile pilgrimages are also called

    l. ___ is achieved after taking a holy bath with a
    Kumva in the Ganges at Haidwar.

  2. Match the words from the right side with words in the
    the left:

In a temple there are idols of
A temple is a
There is an idol of Durga
In a temple minds become
The temples are named after.
The recent name of
There is an idol of Vishnu

in the temple of Dakshineshwar.
in Bodrinath
the names of gods and goddesses.
holy pace.

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