Hindu Religious Studies 49
- Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers:
a. Because of the presence of gods and goddesses temples
are - holy. 2. beautiful.
- famous. 4. unholy.
b. In Dhakeshwari temple there is an idol of - Saraswati. 2. Durga.
- Vishnu. 4. Kali.
c. Kantaji temple is in - Dhaka. 2. Naryanganj.
- Rangpur. 4. Dinajpur.
d. The founder of the temple Meher Kali is saint - Ramananda. 2. Haripada.
- Srabananda Thakur. 4. Rabindranath Tagore.
e. The best sense-organ of man is - body. 2. hands.
- food. 4. mind.
f. Who founded the Kali temple of Dakshineshwar? - Queen Rasmani. 2. Queen Hemantakumari.
- Sarbananda Thakur. 4. Haripada Thakur.
g. Langalbandh stands on the bank of - Meghna. 2. Jamuna.
- Padma. 4. Brahmaputra.
h. In the ancient time the name of Haridwar was - Mayapuri. 2. Indrapuri.
- Rajpuri. 4. Jampuri.
i. Which idol is placed at Bodrinath? - Shiva. 2. Vishnu.
- Durga. 4. Kali.