(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 53


  1. Answer the questions below:
    a. Write a paragraph on rebirth.
    b. Narrate in short the story of Gandhari's previous births.

  2. Answer the following questions in short:
    a. What is the nature of soul?
    b. Write the sloka on soul from the Gita with meaning.
    c. What is a deed?
    d. How many kinds of deeds are there? Which one is better
    according to the Holy Books?
    e. What is a desireful deed?
    f. What is a desireless deed?
    g. What is the relation between the harvest of deeds and
    h. Who is Gandhari? How were her hundred sons killed?
    i. What kind of deed should we do to have a better birth?

  3. Fill in the blanks:
    a. There is in every animal and living creature.
    b. The soul has no
    c. Deeds mean

    d. All the deeds are the deeds of
    e. Ishwara is the Master of creation, nourishment and

  4. Match the words from the right side with the words in
    the left:
    Rebirth means
    Desireless deeds
    There is a relation between
    Men are reborn because of
    In the battle of Kurukshetra
    the Kauravas were on one side

harvest of deeds and rebirth.
their harvest in the previous
bi rths.
set man free.
and the Pandavas were on the other.
being born again.
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