(Dana P.) #1

54 Mantra, Sloka And Prayer Poems

  1. Put tick marks ( ) on correct answers.
    a. The purpose of desireful deeds is

  2. to want something. 2. to want nothing.

  3. win or defeat. 4. Loss and gain.
    b. Better deeds are

  4. desireful deeds. 2. desireless deeds.

  5. deeds with desire. 4. all deeds.
    c. Desireless deeds bring

  6. harm. 2. evil.

  7. misery. 4. welfare.
    d. Gandhari was the mother of

  8. the Kauravas. 2. the Pandavas.

  9. Shrikrishna. 4. Ganapatimata
    e. How many sons of Gandhari were killed in the battle of

  10. ten sons. 2. fifty sons.

  11. hundred sons. 4. two hundred sons.

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