(Dana P.) #1
66 Religious Books, The Ramayana, And The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata, a religious book of the Hindus is a vast one. It is
based on the story of the Kauravas and the Pandavas. But along
with the main story there are sub-stories or upakhanyas in the

The Mahabharata is divided into 18 parvas or chapters. These are
(1)Adi-parva, (2) Sabha-parva, (3) Aranyaka-parva, (4) Virata-
parva, (5)Udyoga-parva, (6) Vishma-parva,(7) Drona-parva, (8)
Karna-parva, (8) Shalya-parva, (9) Sauptika-parva,(10) Stri-
parva,(11) Shanti-parva, (12) Anusasana-parva, (13)
Ashwamedhika-parva, (14) Ashramavasika-parva, (15) Mausala-
parva, (16) Mahaprasthanika-parva, (17) Swargarohana-parva

We have read the first eight parvas in details earlier. Now we are
going to know the later nine parvas in details. But we will recall the
first eight parvas in brief.

(1) Adi-parva:

Long ago there was a kingdom called Hastinapura. It was ruled by a
king named Santanu. His eldest son was Vishma. Vishma vowed
that he would never get married and would never ascend the throne.
So, after Santanu Bichitrabirja became the king. Bichitrabirja had
two sons named Dhritarashtra and Pandu. Dhritarashtra was a born
blind. So, after Bichitrabirja Pandu became king. Dhritarashtra had
one hundred sons. His eldest son was Duryodhana. Pandu had five
sons. His eldest son was Yudhisthira. After the death of Pandu
Yudhisthira became crown prince. But Duryodhana did not accept it.
He tried hard to kill the Pandavas but in vain. Later Dhritarashtra
gave half of the kingdom to the Pandavas. Khandavprashtho was the
name of their kingdom.

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