(Dana P.) #1

68 Religious Books, The Ramayana, And The Mahabharata
Krishna was the charioteer of Arjuna. Arjuna's heart ached at the
sight of his elders and relatives in the battle field. He told Krishna
that he would not be able to enjoy the life in the kingdom if the
relatives were killed in the war. Krishna then gave him some advice
that calmed down Arjuna. Arjuna was inspired to fight. There is a
holy book containing the pieces of advice to Arjuna by Krishna.The
name of the holy book is Shrimatbhagavatgita.

A deadly war took place and continued for ten days. Thousands of
arrows stroke Vishma in waves. He lay fully supported by the
arrows. No part of his body touched the earth. This is called
'Vishma's bed of arrows'.

(7) Drona-parva:

After Vishma's lying on the bed of arrows Drona became the
commander-in-chief of the Kauravas. A heavy fight began. Arjuna
was busy fighting on one side of the battle field. Drona formed the
iron disc of war by positioning the armies on the other side.
Abhimanyu, son of Arjuna, entered the iron disc of war. He fought
alone with many a great warrior. The Saptarathis together attacked
Abhimanyu who was defeated and killed. Arjuna became furious at
the death of his son. As the war continued Drona was killed.
Dhristodumno killed him. Ashwatthama, son of Drona got furious at
his father's killing.

(8) Karna-parva:

After Drona's death Karna became the commander-in-chief of the
Kauravas. A heavy fight continued. Karna defeated all the Pandavas
except Arjuna. Yudhishthira was hurt. Vima killed the brothers of
Duryodhana one after another. Thus was killed Dushasana by Vima.
At last there was a fight between Karna and Arjuna. Karna was

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