(Dana P.) #1

Hindu Religious Studies 69
(9) Shalya-parva:

After the death of Karna, king Shalya became commander-in-chief.
A heavy fight took place. Many soldiers of both the sides were killed
and injured. At last Yudhishthira killed Shalya. Sahadeva killed
Shakuni, the maternal uncle of Duryodhana. Duryodhana escaped
out of fear. He hid himself in Lake Dwaipayan. But the Pandavas
came to know this. They went to the bank of Lake Dwaipayan. They
rebuked Duryodhana in a bitter manner.

Duel with mallets

Duryodhana came out of the lake. Then there was a duel fight
between Vima and Duryodhana with mallets. Vima broke the thigh
of Duryodhana with the mallet. He fell down on the earth only to
live with the broken leg.

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