(Dana P.) #1
72 Religious Books, The Ramayana, And The Mahabharata

Vishma had the boon of wishful death. He was waiting for an
auspicious moment for his death. The moment arrived after his lying
on the bed of arrows for fifty eight days. He embraced death
wilfully. His dead body was cremated with due respect.

(14) Ashwamedhika-parva:

After the death of Vishma, Yudhishthira was overwhelmed with
grief. Dhritarashtra and Krishna consoled and requested him to be
attentive to royal duties. At the suggestion of Vyasa Yudhishthira
agreed to do Ashwamedha Jagga.

A horse was let loose formally. Arjuna would be the custodian of the
horse. It would come back after traveling many countries for one
The horse went through different countries. Sometimes there were
fights between Arjuna and those who stopped the horse. Arjuna
came out victorious in all the fights. Arjuna invited all the kings to
attend the Jagga ceremony. He returned to Hastinapura with the

Then the Ashamedha Jagga began. The Munis, saints, kings,
relatives and many other people of the country assembled there.
People praised highly of Yudhishthira after the ceremony was over.

(15) Ashramavasika-parva:

The Pandavas behaved very well with all after the recovery of the
kingdom. Dhritarashtra and Gandhari were very much pleased with
them. Thus elapsed fifteen years. Dhritarashtra decided to go to the
forest with his wife and meditate there. Yudhishthira requested them
to remain at home. But Dhritarashtra did not change his decision.

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