(Ben Green) #1
Fig. 1.6 Force system in a
building's structure. The gravi-
tational load on the roof is
conducted, via the roof truss
and the walls, to the founda-
tions where it is balanced by
reactions from the substrata.
The same is true of loads
imposed on the floors which
are transmitted by the floor
structural elements and walls
to the foundations. The roof
truss, wall and floor elements
must be strong enough to
carry the internal forces gener-
ated by the load.

Structure and architecture

an essential aspect of this process and are
required both to determine the magnitudes of
the forces in the individual elements - an
activity known as structural analysis - and then
to calculate the required sizes of the element
A fourth property which a structure must
possess, in addition to the requirements of
equilibrium, stability, and strength, is
adequate rigidity. All structural materials
deform in response to load and it is necessary
that the overall deflection of a structure should
not be excessive. As with strength, the rigidity
of the structure depends on the properties of
the material and the sizes of the cross-
sections, which must be large enough to
ensure that excessive deflection does not
occur. Like strength, rigidity is checked and
controlled through the medium of calculations.
To summarise, the basic requirements of the
structure (the firmness element of the archi-

tectural shopping list of 'firmness', 'commod-
ity' and 'delight') are the ability to achieve
equilibrium under all possible load conditions,
geometric stability, adequate strength and
adequate rigidity. Equilibrium requires that the
structural elements be properly configured,
stability is ensured by the provision of a
bracing system; and adequate strength and
rigidity are provided by the specification of
structural elements which are of sufficient size,
given the strengths of the constituent

1.3 Structure types

1.3.1 Post-and-beam structures
Most architectural structures are of the post-
and-beam type and consist of horizontal
spanning elements supported on vertical
columns or walls. A characteristic of this type 5

partition wall
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