Fig. 4.26 The relationship between the ultimate strength
of concrete and the water/cement ratio. This graph demon-
strates that the more fluid the wet concrete is the lower
will be the ultimate strength. This is because relatively
little water is required to cause the initial set of concrete.
If more is present it forms separate pockets of pure water
in the setting concrete which ultimately evaporate to leave
small voids which weaken the concrete.
shrinks subsequently as the hardening process
proceeds. Shrinkage, by itself, is not necessar-
ily harmful to a concrete component,
especially if the element is not restrained
during the hardening process (a small precast
concrete lintel, for example). Where an
element is restrained, however, such as an in
situ reinforced concrete beam or slab which is
part of a large frame, then the effect of shrink-
age is to generate tensile stress in the element
which may cause it to crack. Shrinkage is there-
fore a phenomenon which must be considered
during the design of a concrete structure.
Normally it is controlled by the incorporation
into the structure of suitable reinforcement;
this simply carries the stress which results
from the shrinkage. Occasionally, movement
joints are used to control shrinkage cracking. A
typical example of this is found in lightly
reinforced non-structural ground floor slabs.
Heat gain is a phenomenon which occurs
because the chemical processes which are
involved in the hydration of cement are
exothermic. The increase in temperature which
results from this tends to accelerate the
process of hydration and this can produce
cracking of elements because it also causes
high rates of shrinkage. The heat of hydration
rarely causes a problem in architectural struc-
tures, however, because the elements are
normally slender enough to allow sufficient
cooling to occur to maintain temperatures at
an acceptable level. Where an element is of
large bulk the use of special 'low-heat' cements
is sometimes required. Aggregate
Aggregate, being cheaper than cement, is used
as a bulking agent in concrete and, typically,
will account for 75% to 80% of its volume. It
also serves to control shrinkage and to
improve dimensional stability. It normally
consists of small pieces of stone, of various
sizes in the form of either naturally occurring
sand or gravel, or crushed rock fragments;
other materials, such as crushed brick, blast
furnace slag or recycled building materials, are
sometimes used. Aggregate must be durable,
of reasonable strength, chemically and phys-
ically stable, and free of constituents which
react unfavourably with cement.
The proportions which are present of the
differently sized particles which occur in an
aggregate are referred to as its grading and if
the aggregate is to be effective as a bulking
agent the grading must be such that a particu-
lar distribution of particle sizes occurs. The
smaller particles should ideally be of such a
size and quantity as to fully occupy the voids
between the larger particles and leave a
minimum volume to be filled by cement (Fig.
4.27). The grading of aggregate also affects the
workability of the concrete, which is better
when a higher proportion of fine particles is
present. This is a factor which indirectly affects
strength because a well-graded aggregate
allows a required workability to be achieved
with a lower water-cement ratio than a poorly
graded aggregate.
If a naturally occurring aggregate is used for
concrete, the designer has no control over the
grading but must ensure that the range and 123
Reinforced concrete structures
Hand compaction
Fully compacted concrete
compacted concrete
Water/cement ratio
Compressive strength