(Ben Green) #1
Fig. 4.32 Failure of an unreinforced concrete beam. The
unreinforced beam fails as a result of the formation of a
crack situated at the location of the highest tensile stress
and at right angles to the direction of maximum tension.

Fig. 4.33 Crack pattern in a reinforced concrete beam.
The reinforced beam carries significantly more load than
the unreinforced beam. Tensile cracks form, always at right
angles to the direction of maximum tension (given by the
principal stress lines) in those locations at which the
tensile strength of the concrete is exceeded. The beam
continues to carry load, however, so long as each crack is
effectively crossed by the reinforcement.

Figure 4.32 shows the behaviour of an
unreinforced concrete beam which is subjected
to increasing load. The symmetrical pattern of
tensile and compressive stresses shown in Fig.
4.31c becomes established when the load is
applied, with the maximum stresses occurring
at the mid-span position. As the load
increases, the magnitudes of the stresses
increase and eventually the tensile strength of
the concrete is exceeded at the lower extreme
fibre (the location of the highest level of
tensile stress). A crack forms at right angles to
the direction of maximum tension and this
rapidly propagates up through the beam which
breaks into two halves. Because the compres-
sive strength of the concrete is at least ten
times greater than its tensile strength, the
concrete in the top of the beam is relatively
understressed when the tensile failure occurs.
The failure can be prevented if steel
reinforcement is placed close to the lower
surface of the beam (shown diagrammatically
in Fig. 4.33). In the reinforced beam the tensile
failure of the concrete at the mid-span position
still occurs but the beam as a whole does not
fail because the crack which forms is now
crossed by the reinforcement. The reinforcing
bar carries the tensile load and the beam
continues to function so long as the cross-
sectional area of the steel bar is sufficient to
prevent it from becoming over-stressed in
tension and it does not pull out of the
concrete on either side of the crack. The
frictional stress between the concrete and the
surface of the bar (bond stress), is therefore an

important consideration in determining the
ability of the two materials to act compositely;
this is the reason that special surface textures
are often applied to reinforcement (Fig. 4.30).
If more load is applied to the beam than was
required to cause the first crack to appear, the
stress everywhere will increase and the point
on the principal tensile stress line at which the
tensile strength of the concrete is exceeded
progresses along the line, in both directions,
from the mid-span position. More cracks form
(Fig. 4.33), always at right angles to the direc-
tion of maximum tension, but failure of the
beam as a whole does not occur so long as the
cracks are effectively crossed by the steel bar
and the compressive strength of the concrete
is not exceeded in the top half of the beam. As
the tensile failure points move towards the
ends of the beam the cracks, which always
form at right angles to the direction of
maximum tension, become more and more
inclined to the beam axis and are less effec-
tively crossed by the reinforcement.
Failure eventually occurs due to the forma-
tion of a diagonal crack which is not crossed by
the reinforcement (Fig. 4.34). This type of
failure is called a shear failure because the
degree of inclination of the principal stress
lines causes a shearing action on the cross-
section rather than a simple bending action.
Shear failure can be prevented by shaping the
reinforcing bar so that it conforms to the
128 profile of the line of the principal tensile

Structural Design for Architecture

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