(Ben Green) #1

Fig. 5.2 Failure of a vault. Vaults exert horizontal force
on their supports. If the supports are high walls, these
must be sufficiently thick not to overturn and have suffi-
cient bending strength not to be overstressed by the
bending moment caused by the horizontal force at their
top. If significant horizontal movement occurs at the tops
of the walls the vault is likely to fail in the manner shown

structure,^2 such as a vault or a dome, is neces-
sary to achieve the horizontal span without
incurring high bending and therefore tensile
stress. The action of a vault produces horizon-
tal thrusts at the points of support, however,
which, in the case of a vaulted hall, are the
tops of the supporting walls (Fig. 5.2). The
walls are therefore subjected to a combination
of axial compression, due to the weight of the
vault, and bending, due both to the lateral
thrust of the vault and to any eccentricity
which is present in the transfer of its weight to
the wall. The configuration of the structure
must be such that the axial compressive stress
in the walls is always greater than the tensile
component of the bending stress. This can
only be achieved if the wall is of adequate
thickness. The very thick walls required to

Fig. 5.3 Evolution of the form of the vaulted hall.
(a) The earliest vaulted halls relied on very thick walls for
stability. The volume of masonry involved was very large.
(b) The use of the concept of the buttress allowed a degree
of stability to be achieved which was equivalent to that
provided by the solid wall but with a greatly reduced
volume of masonry.
(c) The cross-vault concentrates the load at the buttresses
and creates flat areas of wall above the springing point of
2 See Appendix 1. the vault which may be used as fenestration. 149

Masonry structures



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