(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture

Fig. 5.23 The four basic plan types for loadbearing-wall
structures. Only the loadbearing walls are shown,
(a) Spine-wall.
(b) Cross-wall.
(c) Cellular.
(d) Core-type.

diagrammatically in Fig. 5.23. All building
plans must, however, contain some walls
which conform to one of these basic plan-
forms. Typical element dimensions for this
type of building are given in Table 5.1.
Where a one-way-spanning floor system is
used it is best supported on a parallel arrange-
ment of loadbearing walls; the cross-wall and
spine-wall arrangements are therefore particu-
larly suitable for this type of construction. The
spacing between the walls depends mainly on

Fig. 5.24 Typical wall arrangements in actual buildings in
which numerous non-structural partition walls are required
for space-planning purposes.
(a) Spine-wall arrangement.
166 (b) Cross-wall arrangement.

Principal loadbearing walls (a)

Principal (b)



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