Fig. 6.50 Timber wallframe - modified frame type. In the
modified frame the wall elements are only one storey high
but the floor joists are attached directly to them. The
modified frame is a compromise between the platform and
balloon arrangements which combines some of the advan-
tages of both.
Fig. 6.51 Timber wallframe - the independent frame
type. In the independent frame the wall elements are one
storey high but the floor joists are carried on a steel angle
attached to the inner face of the wall. This arrangement
lends itself to prefabrication. The fact that the floor joists
do not penetrate the outer wall improves the thermal
efficiency of the wall.
Fig. 6.52. Note that, as in the case of masonry
structures, spine- and cross-wall forms are
used. In spine-wall arrangements the roof
normally spans the full width of the building
and only the floors are supported on inter-
mediate walls. Cross-walls are normally used
in conjunction with purlin roof construction.
The wall-to-floor and wall-to-roof junctions
in this form of structure are non-rigid and
lateral stability is provided by the wall, floor
and roof panels themselves, which serve as
diaphragm bracing in the vertical and horizon-
tal planes. Care must be taken in the planning
of the buildings to ensure that vertical-plane
bracing is correctly positioned. Bracing walls
must be provided which are as symmetrically
disposed as possible on plan.
It is also necessary that both the wall and
the floor panels should have sufficient strength
to resist in-plane racking^7 caused by wind load.
This is done by sheathing with plywood or
some other form of composite board
7 The tendency of the original rectangular shape to
become a parallelogram due to shearing action. 223
Timber structures
Head binder
Head plate
Floor joists
Cavity barrier
Head plate
Sole plate
Floor joists
Sole plate
Cill plate
Base wall
and grooved
and grooved
Head binder
Head plate
Floor joists
Steel angle let
into face of studs
Floor battens
Damp proof
to concrete raft
Cill plate
Edge of concrete
Sole plate
Head plate
Sole plate