(Ben Green) #1


Foreword vii
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi

1 Structure and architecture 1
1.1 The role of structure in architecture 1
1.2 Structural requirements 4
1.3 Structure types 5
1.4 Structural materials 11
1.5 Structural design 17

2 Structural design for architecture 22
2.1 Introduction 22
2.2 The relationship between structural
design and architectural design 24
2.3 Selection of the generic type of
structure 34
2.4 Selection of the structural material 40
2.5 Determination of the form of the
structure 41
2.6 Conclusion 47

3 Steel structures 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 The architecture of steel - the factors
which affect the decision to select steel
as a structural material 49
3.3 The properties and composition of
steel 61
3.4 Structural steel products 63
3.5 Performance of steel in fire 72
3.6 Structural forms 73

4 Reinforced concrete structures 99
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 The architecture of reinforced concrete -
the factors which affect the decision to
select reinforced concrete as a
structural material 100

4.3 A brief introduction to concrete
technology 118
4.4 Structural forms for reinforced concrete

5 Masonry structures 147
5.1 Introduction 147
5.2 The architecture of masonry - factors
which affect the decision to use
masonry as a structural material 147
5.3 The basic forms of masonry structures

6 Timber structures 179
6.1 Introduction 179
6.2 Timber and architecture 180
6.3 The material, its properties and
characteristics 190
6.4 Properties of timber 192
6.5 Grading of timber 196
6.6 Timber components 198
6.7 Structural forms for timber 215

Selected bibliography 233

Appendix 1: The relationship between
structural form and structural
efficiency 235

Appendix 2: Approximate methods for
allocating sizes to structural elements 239
A2.1 Introduction 239
A2.2 Structural analysis 239
A2.3 Element-sizing calculations 249
A2.4 Steel structures 258
A2.5 Reinforced concrete structures 262
A2.6 Masonry structures 263
A2.7 Timber structures 263

Index (^265) V

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