Angus Macdonald states that this book is symbolised and high tech (i.e. celebrated or
primarily for architects. In my view it is also an expressionist) is apt but contentious and could
extremely good reference book on architectural result in some lively discussion between
structures for students and practising architect and engineer,
structural engineers. The book then divides into sections on the
He stresses that buildings are designed as a major structural materials - steel, concrete,
collaborative task between architects and masonry and timber. Each of these sections
engineers and that the earlier in the design follows a similar pattern and includes
process this happens, the better the result. properties, advantages and disadvantages,
Current teaching ideas in many universities common structural forms, etc.
are, at last, acknowledging the benefits of joint Structural Design for Architecture is a
student working and it has certainly been my comprehensive and up-to-date work on the
experience that close working produces the relationship of structure to architecture and will
best product. form an extremely useful reference work for both
The early part of the book covers the history, students and practitioners of architecture and
technology and structural philosophy of engineering. I highly recommend it and look
numerous buildings and building types and forward to having a copy in our office library,
has a very comprehensive review of structural
systems with excellent examples of seminal
buildings and their structures. It also covers Professor Tony Hunt
the history of structural'material development. Chairman
The section on structure in relation to Anthony Hunt Associates
architecture: structure ignored, accepted, June 1997
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