non-linear behaviour occurs is termed the
'yield point'.
The portion of the stress-strain graph which
immediately follows the yield point is more-or-
less horizontal. This feature illustrates a very
important property of steel which is the
mechanism for the relief of stress concentrat-
ions, especially in the vicinity of connections.
If, for example, one part of a cross-section
tends to be highly stressed relative to other
parts (this might occur in the vicinity of a bolt),
the highly stressed material could reach its
yield point while the average stress was still
relatively small (Fig. 3.13). If more load were
applied the strain would increase equally in all
parts of the cross-section but the level of
stress in the most highly stressed area would
tend to remain constant because the horizon-
tal portion of the stress-strain graph would
have been entered by the material in that area.
In other parts of the cross-section, where the
stress was within the elastic range, the stress
level would continue to increase with increas-
ing strain, however, and the distribution of
stress would therefore tend to become more
even. The existence of the short horizontal
portion of the stress/strain graph is therefore a
stress-relieving feature. It is a very important
factor in determining the good structural
performance of steel.
Another significant aspect of the
stress-strain graph is the amount of deform-
ation which occurs before failure. A very large
Fig. 3.13 The stress-relieving mechanism. Each of the
four diagrams in the lower half of this illustration shows
the distribution of stress across the cross-section X-X. In
the first diagram all of the material is stressed within the
elastic range and the material which is closest to the bolt
hole is the most highly stressed. As the load rises the level
of stress also rises. Once the yield stress is passed at the
most highly stressed locations the horizontal portion of
the stress-strain graph is entered and it is possible for the
stress level to remain constant while stress levels in other
parts of the cross-section continue to rise. The distribution
of stress then becomes more even. This is an example of
the stress-relieving mechanism which is responsible for
the ability of steel to resist high levels of tensile load.
amount of deformation is in fact required
before steel fractures. This too is a safety
feature because it means that an overloaded
structure will suffer a large deflection which
gives warning of impending collapse.
3.4 Structural steel products
3.4.1 Introduction
Three basic techniques are used to form metal
components. These are casting, in which
molten metal is poured into a suitably shaped
mould, forging, where solid metal is beaten or
otherwise forced into a particular shape, and
machining, where material is cut away by
various means from a basic block of metal, to
form a component with a particular shape. All 63
Table 3.1 Basic design strengths for steel
BS 4360 Grade Thickness, Strength of sections,
less than or plates and hollow
equal to (mm) sections (N/mm^2 )
4 3 16 275
A, B and C 40 265
100 245
50 16 355
B and C 63 340
100 325
55 16 450
C 25 430
40 415
Steel structures
Yield stress
Increase in load