(Ben Green) #1

Fig. 3.16 The castellated beam is a modified universal
I-section beam. It is more efficient in resisting bending
than the parent beam because a higher bending moment
can be resisted by the same area of cross-section and
therefore volume of material.

Steel structures

Fig. 3.18 I-section girder assembled by welding from flat
plate. These are used when the required size of cross-
section is larger than the largest available in the standard

non-standard sections can be built up from the
standard sections. The 'castellating' process,
by which universal beam sections are modified
(Fig. 3.16), is one such process and provides a
range of beam sections which are lighter than
the standard hot-rolled sections (Tables 3.2
and 3.3). Light beam sections can also be
manufactured from combinations of channel
and angle sections (Fig. 3.17). Where very
heavy cross-sections are required, these can be
built up from flat plate as welded plate girders
(Fig. 3.18).

3.4.3 Cold-formed sections
Cold-formed sections are fabricated from thin
sheet steel (strip) by rolling or by folding
(press braking), both of which are types of
forging. As with hot-rolled sections, manufac-
turers produce standard ranges, such as
angles, channels and l-sections, which are
intended to be generally useful for a variety of
structural purposes. The capital cost of the
equipment required to produce these sections
is less than that for hot-rolled products and
the ranges which are readily available are
much wider. The ease with which steel sheet
can be bent into complicated shapes allows 69

Fig. 3.17 Composite beams, built up by bolting or
welding standard sections together, are used where no
suitable standard section is available.

The structural sections described above are
the basic components from which steel struc-
tures are assembled. Elements for particular
applications are normally selected from the
standard ranges; it is not considered economic
to produce 'tailor made' cross-sections by the
hot-rolling process due to the high capital cost
of the special rolling-mill equipment which
would be required. If none of the standard
sections is suitable for a particular application
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