(Ben Green) #1

Structural Design for Architecture

3.5 Performance of steel in fire

The performance of a building in a fire is an
important design consideration, the principal
concern being the safety of people who are in
or near the building at the time. There are
many aspects to this including the provision of
adequate means of escape and the control of
smoke. So far as the structure is concerned,
the principal concern is the prevention of
instability due to the lowering of the yield
strength of the material as a result of increase
in temperature. In the case of steel, serious
deterioration in strength begins at tempera-
tures of around 500 °C. The most vulnerable
parts of the structure are compression
elements and the compression flanges of
Most regulatory authorities specify minimum
requirements for performance of a building in
fire depending on the type of occupancy for
which the building is intended, the size of the
building, and the extent to which it is compart-
mentalised. So far as the structure is
concerned the performance is measured in
terms of a minimum period of fire resistance
(from 30 minutes to 4 hours, depending on the
size of the building and the type of occupancy).
Roof structures and single-storey structures are
normally exempted.
In the case of steel structures, two types of
strategy may be employed to meet the fire
performance requirements, namely the 'fire
protection' strategy and the 'fire resistance'
strategy. 'Fire protection' is by far the more
common. This involves the encasing of the
structure in a layer of insulating material in
order to reduce the rate at which the tempera-
ture of the steel increases, so that the critical
temperature is not reached within the required
fire-rating period.
Where the strategy is one of fire resistance
the objective is to minimise or entirely elim-
inate the need for protection. To comply with
fire regulations by this method the designer of
a structure is required to demonstrate, by
calculation or some other simulation method,
that the structure will not lose its integrity or
become unstable in a fire before the required

Fig. 3.22 The actions of the two principal types of bolt
used in structural engineering are illustrated here.
(a) The 'ordinary' bolt transmits load by bearing and shear.
This causes stress concentrations and is not particularly
efficient. Connections are simple and cheap to construct
by this method, however.
(b) The 'high strength friction grip bolt' clamps together
the elements being joined with sufficient pressure to allow
the load to be transmitted by friction between the
surfaces. This reduces stress concentrations and is a more
efficient way of transmitting load through the connection.
It is more expensive to construct, however, because both
the bolt and the elements being connected must be
manufactured to closer tolerances.

carry tension. Ordinary bolts are made in
several grades of steel and the two grades
which are most commonly used in the UK are
4.6 and 8.8. The first figure in the grade
number represents the tensile strength of the
steel in kgf/mm^2 X 10-1; the second figure is a
factor by which the first is multiplied to give
the yield stress of the steel.
Friction-grip bolts operate by clamping
components together with such force that the
load is transferred by friction on the interface
between them. Shear load therefore passes
directly from one component to the other and
is not routed through the bolts (Fig. 3.22).
Friction-grip bolts are also used to carry axial
tension through joints, however, in which case
the load passes along the bolt shank.
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