Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

Beck, J. 149
Becker, Judith 201
Beckford James A. 288
being-in-the-world 77
Belk, Russell 298
Bennett,J.G. 222
Berger, Peter 80n. 4
Berlin 50, 216
Better Living Through Circuitry
(documentary) 23
Bey, Hakim 17, 29, 92, 215, 270
Birmingham 167, 185
black civil rights 49
body image 113, 113–19
body music 30
Body-without-Organs (BwO) 245–9;
ecstasy and its pleasures 110–15;
organism and 274–7;
sexism 276;
tantra and 253–7;
tradition and 255
The Book of RavElations (Clark) 216–3
Boom Festival 225
Boss Drum (Shamen) 212
Bozeman, J. 17
brainwave synchronizers 23
breakbeat scientists 22
Brett, Nathan 185
Brewster, B. 32
Bristol 185
British Columbia 216
Broughton, E 32
Burning Man 34, 284–9;
fieldwork 299n.4;
neo-paganism 289–298;
spirit healing 286–92
bush parties see doofs
Bwiti community 129–4, 133, 134, 139n.8
BwO (Body-without-Organs) see Body-
without-Organs (BwO)

calendar, changing the 224–9
California 26, 194
Canada 84, 85, 91, 143, 144, 148
candy-flipping 136
cannabis 150
Carlson, Jon 33

carnivals 30–3, 69
Castle, Ray 22, 23, 27, 28, 257, 259
CCC (Consortium for Collective
Consciousness) 223–7
CCCS (Centre for Contemporary Cultural
Studies) 167
central nervous system (CNS) 152–4
Centreforce 191
ceremonial constants 132–40
C512 215–19
Chakra Age 223–7
chakra-system 22
chanting 128–1, 130, 134
Chaos Magick-informed Labyrinth 26
charas 261
Chicago 25, 49, 56–8
children of the sun and moon 220–7
chillout room 70, 143
chillum ritual 277–80
Christianity 18, 33, 56
Chryssides, George 95, 97
chthonic heritage 24
Cinnamon Twist 24, 115, 221–5
Circle of Tribes 225
Claiming Sacred Ground (Ivakhiv) 17
clandestine scenes 69–3
Clark, Fraser 21, 26, 210, 216–3
Clinton, George 49
club culture 91
Club Cultures (Thornton) 167
Club Worship 33
clubbing experiences 84
Clubbing (Malbon) 86, 87
cocaine 150
cogito 114 , 115–19
Cohen, Erik 37
Cole, F. 45
collective effervescence:
characteristics of 86–93;
communal and collective 90–3;
connectedness and 82, 86–9;
creative 92;
disappearance of 65;
reassessed 246
Collin, Matthew 70, 111, 191
Columbia 126–32
Come-Unity 221
comedown 69, 75, 79n.22

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