Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

through ritual 45–8;
UK garage 186–9;
vulnerability and 46
Spurgeon, Richard 19, 34
St John, Graham 36, 85–8, 86, 170, 196,
Stanley, Chris 170
Stark, Rodney 95
Stonehenge 226
striation 277–83, 282
Strong, Peter 227–1
subculture 85–8, 278, 298, 249n.1
subjectivity 44–7, 107–13, 243–52
sun and moon children 220–7
Sunday scene 187–90
sunrise 258–2, 278–2
super-clubs 49, 50
Sutcliffe, S. 17, 24
symbolism 68–2, 143, 167, 245
syncretic ritualizing 84–7
syncretism 26
System 7 23

Tagg, Philip 67
tantra 253–7
Taoism 255
TAZ (Temporary Autonomous Zone) 32,
92–6, 170, 215–19
‘teacher plants’ 36
techgnosis 24
Techgnosis (Davis) 18–1, 48
technica 30
consciousness and 71;
as counterculture 232–9;
early techno 49–1;
limit-experiences 244–50;
male bonding 55;
New Age and 234–9, 238–3;
poles of 30;
post-sexualities 243;
repetitious stimuli 135;
significance of 67;
subject-subject spirituality 56;
‘techno’ 49;
varieties of 49
techno-communitas 27–31

Techno Cosmic Mass 26
techno-liberation 18–1
techno-millennialism 211–18
techno-paganism 26, 45, 54, 197, 292–8
techno-primitivism 26, 194;
retribalization 202–6
techno-rave, definition 66
Techno Rebels 49
techno salvation 32–9
techno-trance see trance
techno-tribalism 18, 215–23
techno-utopia 210–14
technological millenarianism 17
analogue 48;
essentiality 18;
man and machine 46–9;
of pleasure 68;
silicon cage 241–6;
techno-utopia 210–14
Technology Goddess 197
Tek Know 85–8
Temporary Autonomous Zone (Bey) 215
ten Boss, René 274
theatre 167
theme camps 293–6
Theory of Religion (Bataille) 51
The Third Wave (Toffler) 49
This is Not a Rave (McCall) 88,167
Thornton, Sarah 90–4, 167–70, 169, 171,
191, 278, 298
time 70, 71, 92–6, 133–6, 224–8
Timewave Zero 211–18
Toffler, A. 49
Tokyo Techno Tribes (Castle) 23, 28
Toon Town 27, 34
Toop, D. 49
Toronto 91, 169, 179n.3
TOTEM (Temple of the Eternal Mysteries)
tourists 37
tradition 255
trainwrecking 181n. 11
Tramacchi, D. 85, 90–3, 96, 297
characteristics of 257;
description of 50;
hypnosis and 74;

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