Rave Culture and Religion

(Wang) #1

Weber, T.R. 145
websites 33, 197
Webster, F. 46
Weir, E. 145
WELL (Whole Earth ‘Lectronic Link) 216
West Africa 129–4
The Wheels of Life (Judith) 223–7
White, Geoff 215
WholeLife Expo 221
Williamson, Kathleen 202–5, 222
Winkelman, M. 152–5
Wirikúta 123–9
Wixárika 123–9
womb analogy 27, 137
women 55–7, 57, 88, 91, 109, 145
Woodman, Phil (Deja Voodoo) 23
work ethic 53, 65
World Electronic Music Festival 177, 181n.
World Peace Party 32
World 13 Moon Calendar 224–9
World Trade Centre attack 225
World Unity Festival 219

yajé 125–9, 136, 139n.6
York, Michael 288,292
You Better Work (Fikentscher) 168
youtopia 297
Yurick, S. 48

Zen Buddhism 22, 31, 275–8
zippy Eschaton 216
Zippy Pronoia Tour 216, 219

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