Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
98 Akhlaq or Character


Bangladesh is our dear birth land. We love our country with all our
heart. We will feel deep pleasure and get peace in our mind when
we think about Bangladesh. Bangladesh is a beautiful, green
country. The scenery of green grains, green forests, trees, grass and
creepers covering the horizon, is very pleasant. The scenery of rivers
flowing zigzag with a rippling sound, rows of high and low earthen
hills of, pieces of clouds floating in the sky, the sight of falling down
of rain now and then, charm us. So Bangladesh is our dear land.

Our great Prophet Hazrat Muhammed (Sm) loved his birth land,
Mecca with all his heart, So, when he left Mecca for the Hizrat to
Medina, being tortured by the kafirs (non-believers) of Mecca, then
he said looking back at Mecca again and again with afflicted eyes:

"Oh City of Mecca! You are my birth land,
I love you.
If my own tribe would not have compelled me
To leave my country,
I would have never left you behind."

It is understood from the incident mentioned above, how much
profound love the great Prophet had towards his own land Mecca.

The Arab scholars said:

"Hubbul Watani Minal Iman"

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