Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
100 Akhlaq or Character

Co-Operation to Good Works and

Hinderence to Bad Works.

Allah has created this world in a beautiful way. He has
instructed mankind to make a beautiful good living place. Many
disorders can be created in many ways, danger and difficulties
may come. Allah has nominated men as the Prophet's
representatives, so that no unrest takes place. Caliph means
representative. The duty of a Caliph is the representation of
Allah, to abide by His ordeals and motivate others to carryout
His rules and regulations. All of us should abide by the orders
and prohibitions of Allah and the Prophets. If we want to do
that, we have to do good works. We have to cooperate others to
do good works. And we have to resist if some body commits
any crime or offensive deeds. Then there will be prosperity
every where. The justice will be established everywhere. It will
be possible to preserve the law and order situation of the
country. The torture of the oppressor will be stopped. The
fighting, murder and malice and hatred would be erradicated.
Nobody will oppress any one. There would be peace in the
whole world. Men can live peacefully. As a result the worship
of Allah would be performed easily and comfortably.

Allah said in the Holy Quran:

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