Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Akhlaq or Character 101

Meaning : "Cooperate/help each other in doing good and do not
help any body to commit sins and evil works" - (Sura Maeeda:

The great Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) and his companions
(shahabies) always helped each other to do good works and to
prevent committing sins. If anybody committed any sin by
mistake or secretly, he used to come to Prophet (Sm) and
confessed his crime and prayed for forgiveness.

The great Prophet (sm) has instructed, "If somebody commits
sin and any of you can witness it then he will resist him with his
strength. And if he is unable to do that, then he will try to
correct him with advice If he can not even do that then at least
he will hate that person.

We shall help each other in doing good works. We shall help,
people of the locality carrying soil on head for constructing the
roads. We shall also take part in it. We shall participate in the
cleaning of the surroundings of the school. We shall join the
cleaning of the water-hyacinths from the adjacent ponds of the
school. We shall teach the illiterate helping hands of the house.
We shall abide by the commands of Allah and the Prophets.

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