Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Akhlaq or Character 105

Serving The Parents

The parents are the nearest persons to us. None can love us
more than our parents. Our parents love us more than their lives
after we are born in the world. They bring up us, clean our
bodily excretion at our infanthood with great care. Very often
they feed us without taking food themselves if there is want of
food. They do not sleep at all, in our illness. Their worries
continue until we recover fully. They feel pleasure in our joy,
and feel sorry in our pain. Allah said in Holy Quran:

Rabbirhamhuma Kama Rabbaanee Sagira.

Meaning:" Oh our Cherisher, our parents brought up us at our
infanthood, with that kindness and affection, similarly have
mercy on them."( Sura Boni Israil -24).

It is our duty to be obedient always to our parents. We have to
honor and respect them. We should take care of them always
when we grow up. After their death we have to pray to Allah for
the salvation of their departed souls performing Nafal Salat,
offering Sadka and charity. If our parents are pleased on us
Allah will be pleased with us. If the parents are not happy, we
shall be deprived from the bounty of Allah.

Now we shall learn a nice exemplary story about the taking care
of parents. A mother becomes sick very much in the town of

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