Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

"Allah The Rearer Of The Whole Universe"

Allah has created all that we see. And there are so many other
things which we cannot see, those are also created by Allah.
After creating these things he not only did not leave them
unguided. He also rears up them with His bounties.

He has created so many other things, we see around us, such as
the animals, beasts, birds and trees. He rears these all providing
them with food, water, light and wind. All animals, birds, shrubs
and trees live on food, but their food are not alike.

We are human beings. We eat rice, fish, meat etc. We also eat
fruits and vegetables. Whereas the birds, beasts and other
animals eat green grass and leaves of trees. They also eat small
insects and worms. On the other hand, the trees, plants and the

Iman and Aqaid

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