Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
112 Teaching Of The Glorious Quran

religious book. It is the last and the greatest revealed book.

Allah has sent this book to His last and concluding Prophet

Hazrat Muhammad (Sm) through the angel Jibraeel (As)

Allah, the Gracious has sent this holy book as guide of mankind.

He sent it to show them the right and the best way of life. The

glorious Quran contains the description of the works and

behaviours with which man can get peace and prosperity in this

world and salvation from Jahannam (the hell-fire) and get

eternal bliss in Jannat (the heaven) in the life after death. The

Glorious Quran is the source of all sorts of knowledge and

Science. It is the Guide of mankind. It shows the distinction

between the right and wrong; between false-hood and truth

between good and bad.

There are four aims in the recitation of the Holy Quran :

a) To recite correctly

b) To understand its meaning

c) To do the biddings of the Quran.

d) To refrain from what He has forbidden.

Our beloved Prophet (Sm) was always in the habit of reciting

the Holy Quran. His companions would also regularly recite the

holy Quran with the same intention. The best time of the

recitation of the Quran is just after farz prayer.

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