Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Religious Studies: Islam 115

"Wa-rattilil Qurana tarteela"
Means : "Recite the Quran slowly and clearly."

It is necessary to know the tajbid for reciting the Quran
correctly. Allah has commanded us to recite the Quran nicely
and correctly. He said:


The meaning of the word Makhraj is the place of coming out
(the pronunciation). We know that there are 29 letters in Arabic
language. Different words are pronounced from different places
of the mouth while pronouncing the words in Arabic language.
Sometimes from tongue, sometimes from palate, sometimes
from teeth, sometimes lipes or throat - the letters are
pronounced from these places of mouth.

To know the Makhraj of any Arabic letter Jajm or Sakin should
be given on it and Alif having harakat should be placed to the
right of it. Then while pronouncing - the place where the sound
is stopped, is the Makhraj or pronouncing place of that letter.
For example = Alif ba jabar 'Ab'. Here during the
pronunciation of letter , sound is stopped at two lips. So,
makhraj of the letter is both the lips of the mouth. Similarly,
= Alif Kha jabar 'Akh'. Here the sound is stopped at the

larynx to pronounce the letter. So, the Makhraj of the letter

kha is the larynx.

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