Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
116 Teaching Of The Glorious Quran

Thus 29 letters of Arabic language are pronounced from 17
places of the mouth. The places are: cavity of nose & mouth,
tongue, palate, uvula, base, middle, and end part of the larynx,
upper lip, two teeth of upper and lower jaw, etc.

Now, let us make a list of those places of our mouth from
where the Arabic words are pronounced.

Description of the 17 Arabic Makhraj (outlets of

  1. These tow letters are pronounced from the base of the larynx

  2. These two letters come from the middle part of the larynx -

  3. These two letters are pronounced from the upper part of the

larynx -

  1. The base of the tongue touches the pallet when this letter is

pronounced -

  1. A small upper portion of the base of the tongue touches the

upper palate when pronouncing this letter -

Sl. No. Letter Makhraj Places of pronunciation
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