Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Religious Studies: Islam 117

  1. When the middle part of the tongue touches the upper palate
    gives these three sounds are pronounced-

  2. When the side of the base of the tongue touches the upper
    molar tooth, comes out the pronunciation of -

  3. When the side of the tip of the tongue, touches the upper teeth
    comes the sound of one letter -

  4. When the tip of the tongue touches the palate it gives the
    sound of this letter -

  5. When the back side of the tongues touches the upper jaw
    pronunciation of comes of this letter-

  6. There are three letters which are pronounced being touched
    with lower end of the upper teeth. These are -

  7. The tip of the tongue, when comes in contact with the first
    part of the two teeth of the lower jaw comes the
    pronunciation of -

  8. When the tip of the tongue touches the first part the upper
    two teeth comes the pronunciation of these letters -

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