Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Religious Studies: Islam 125

Waqf (Pause, Sign Of Stopping)

'Waqf' is an Arabic word. Its literal meaning is to stop or to give
a pause. In the term of tajvid waqf is the pause between two
breathings. In every waqf the last letter of the last word will get
'jazm'. This is called sakin alss.

No work becomes satisfactory and pleasant if it is done without
break. As for an example if a vehicle or a machine is run non
stop, there is every possibility of its being damaged or of
happening of an accident.

Similarly, we also do not study continuously or without any
break, nor do we do any work continuously, rather we give
some break while doing any work. As a result we get pleasure
and interest in the study or in any work. It enhances our
attention and increases our energy.

Even, when we talk we do not speak non-stop, or without
punctuating pause. We give pause or we stop at intervals.
Similarly, pauses should be given at intervals when reciting the
holy Quran by which there occurs on possibility of any
distortion of the meaning of the ayat.

The waqf can not be done without giving jazm'or sakin at the
last latter of the word. If it is needed to do waqf before sign of
stopping then one can stop at the time of the reciting Holy
Quran. But the recitantion should be started from the very word,

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