Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
128 Teaching Of The Glorious Quran

Idgam And Gunnah

Gunnah is a technique to recite Holy Quran correctly. It means
keeping sound in the nose for some time. Idgam is an added
We learnt that Arabic letters are 29 in number. From these 29
letters (meem) and (noon), if they get tashdid ( ) they
will give humming sound (keeping the sound in the nose for
some time). Gunnah is wajib. The smallest duration of gunnah
sound is equal to the prolonging of one Alif; as :

According to the expert readers of the Quran gunnah is wajib
(must be followed). So, in tajvid (technique of pronunciation)
the importance of gunnah is enormous. In reciting the Quran
correctly and beautifully gunnah's role is very significant.


We have to know another thing which is essential for reciting
the Quran correctly. That is Idgam. The combined
pronunciation of two letters is called Idgam. Idgam is of two
kinds; (1) Idgam with gunnah (2) Idgam without gunnah, as :

(Inna), (Amma), (Summa) etc.

These four letters are pronounced with gunnah :

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