Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Religious Studies: Islam 133

Meaning :

  1. Verily I have given you the abundance.

  2. So, pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice (for Him)

  3. Surely it is your insulter, who is without posterity.

Meaning :

  1. Say, (O Prophet) O, disbelievers!

Revealed in Makkah (Verse-6)

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Surah Al-Kafirun

Qul Ya-'ayyuhal Kafirun.

La a'budu ma ta'buduna.

Wa-la 'antum 'abiduna ma a'budu

Wa-La 'ana 'abidum ma 'abadtum
Wa-La 'antum 'abiduna ma a'budu

Lakum deenukum wa lia deen.
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