Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
134 Teaching Of The Glorious Quran

  1. I do not worship any one whom you worship.

  2. You do not worship whom I worship.

  3. And I do not worship whom you worship.

  4. You will not worship whom I worship.

  5. Your religion is to you, and my religion is to me.


Subjective questions:

  1. Al-Quran is whose messages? How many are the goals of
    reciting the Quran and what are they?

  2. How many things you will learn if you recite the Quran
    understanding the meaning? Make a list of those benefits.

  3. What do you mean by tajvid? Mention what benefits do
    you get byreciting the Quran with correct pronunciation.

  4. What do you mean by Makhraj? How many makhraj are
    there? Write any two of them with examples.

  5. Write a list of the names of the places of pronunciation of
    the Arabic letters.

  6. Make a list of the letters which are pronounced from the throat.

  7. Make a list of the letters which are pronounced by the help
    of the tongue.

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