Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Iman and Aqaid 27

men to believe in the life of Akhirat.

The Prophets and the messengers of Allah proclaimed: People,
who lead their life honestly, walk on the way as instructed by
Allah, follow the ideals of the Prophets and messengers and
those who do not follow the footsteps of the Satan, all of them
will get Jannat (heaven) in the life hereafter. They will get the

Jannat is the place of happiness and peace. There is no misery,
woe and worry in that life. But the sinners and bad and guilty
persons, who do not obey Allah in His commands and who do
not walk on the footsteps of the Prophets and messengers and
denied them, will live in Jahannam (hell). Jahannam is the place
of doom. It is a place of great agony and grief, therein is misery
and misery.

Some stages and some inportant things about the life of
Akhirat are as follows:

We will now discuss about some of the important stages and
matters of Akhirat or the life after death.

Questions and answers in the grave

Suwal-Jawab means-questions and answers. Every one of us

  1. Question and answer in the grave 4. Hashar, the great congregation.

  2. Punishment or comfort in the grave. 5. Meezan, the balance.

  3. Qiamat, the Day of judgement. 6. Jannat or Jahannam (heaven or

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