Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1

Iman and Aqaid 33


We shall believe in "Yaumul Hashr" the day of great gathering.
We shall refrain from all bad words and works, as we will have
to give account of all our words and deeds.

Jannat or the heaven is the abode of eternal peace. Those people
will enter Jannat who lead their life according to the teachings
of Allah and His Prophets and Messengers, obey Allah in all
His commands and refrain from all sins and crimes. There will
be all arrangements for their peace and comfort. Delicious
foods, fragrant sweet drinks and beautiful gardens would be
provided there. There will be nice palaces beside which will be
the prattling brooks. The dwellers of Jannat will get instantly
whatever they desire. There will be no want of food or drinks,
nor would be there any unhappiness or despair, nor any misery
or pain.

On the other hand Jahannam is the place of eternal sorrow and
trouble. There will be various types of punishment in the

People who did not accept Iman, violated Allah's orders,
remained involved in different kinds of sinful activities and
became followers of the Saitan, they will be dwellers of
Jahannam. Therein they will suffer forever. Jahannam is the
place of all sorrow and grief. Therein they will suffer severe

Jannat and Jahannam

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