Class 5 Religious Studies: Islam

(Elliott) #1
58 Religious Studies: Islam

only. And we do Sijdah only to you. All of our endeavours,
meditation and hardships are only for your satisfaction. We
suffer hardships only in the hope of gaining your mercy. We are
afraid of your severe punishment. Certainly, only idolaters will
be thrown in to severe punishment.

The Salat Of Janaza

The Salat performed as a prayer (Dua) for the dead person, is
called Salatul Janaza or Salat of Janaza. The Salat of Janaza is

When somebody dies, the living persons have so many duties to
him. Such as bathing and wrapping up the dead body with burial
cloth, quickly and preforming the Salat of Janaza, then taking
the necessary steps for burial.

The Rules of Performing the Salat of Janaza:

There is no Ruku-Sijdah in Salat of Janaza. It is performed
standing in congregation saying 'Allahu Akbar'for four times.
The Imam will stand keeping the dead body in front of him in
such a way that the dead body's chest will be directly in front of
Imam. The Muktadirs will stand in rows at the behind of the

We shall make Niyyat, 'I am peforming Janaza Salat for the

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